Dynamix Out of School Care Policy and Procedures Manual
Ownership and Legal Status
Dynamix Out of School Care is a limited liability company and has been incorporated since
November 2019. Dynamix Out of School Care trades as Dynamix
To provide dynamic childcare that is fun, educational and safe
Treaty of Waitangi
Dynamix acknowledges the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi as a moment in the development of this country and that the Treaty is the basis for the relationship between Maori and other New Zealanders in a multi-cultural community. Dynamix will seek to interpret and address the principles of the Treaty as they relate to the mission, goals and operation of the organisation and the needs and interests of its children.
Dynamix will seek advice from Maori stakeholders and local whanau in the development of its business. We will ensure strong Maori representation on any/future committee(s) in areas of out of school childcare, business and local iwi. Dynamix will recruit and retain Maori staff sufficient to provide support to Maori children and access to Maori perspectives to all children.
We will support Maori children to achieve and extend their aspirations through mentoring and encouragement to involve whanau in decision making. We will always encourage children to establish and maintain involvement with whanau and other Maori support networks. We will seek to identify and incorporate teaching and learning methodologies that improve Maori success.
Business Planning
All planning for Dynamix is reviewed by the shareholders on an annual basis. From which the strategic plan for Dynamix is revised and implemented.
Dynamix ensure that the primary goal is the safety and wellbeing of children enrolled, therefore policies and procedures are adhered to at all times. Policies will be reviewed each term to ensure any new policies are included.
Shareholders also ensure that Dynamix is meeting the business plans and strategies introduced from annual shareholders meetings.
Dynamix shareholders introduce strategies to ensure the business meets the mission statement, goals, policies and procedures along with business plan. These strategies are introduced to all staff and regularly reviewed to ensure consistency and implementation
Performance Indicators
Dynamix is required to meet the Standards of Approval and performance measures as indicated by Oranga Tamariki (OT). All of the following standards are written into policies and procedures and are as follows;
Programme Environment – The programme provides a safe and positive environment with child focused activities. There is an adequate and appropriate space for active indoor and outdoor recreation.
Programme Operation – Programme providers have written policies to show what the organisation does and written procedures to show how those policies are put into practice.
Health & Safety – Programme providers comply with all relevant health and safety legislation to ensure that children, staff, volunteers and visitors are protected from risk.
Child Protection – The organisation is committed to the recognition and prevention of abuse of children and young people.
Programme Supervision – Children are supervised by a minimum of two staff (on site) and are within sight and sound of a staff member at all times. (on site)
Emergencies – All staff and volunteers are trained in fire, earthquake drills and other emergency procedures.
Staff Management – The programme has a sufficient body of qualified and competent staff both to deliver and support the services.
Buildings and Facilities – Premises are safe and comply with all relevant legislation as well as local city or district council requirements. With current Building warrant of fitness.
Potential hazards to the safety of children are repaired, removed or made inaccessible.
Record Keeping – Programme providers maintain records in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020 and other relevant legislation. Finances are managed competently.
An overall manager or senior caregiver who is over 20 years of age will remain on-site and be available to children, staff and visitors during all programme operating hours.
Public Liability Insurance
Dynamix will ensure that the public liability insurance is kept current and up to date.
Information Keeping / Privacy Act
The Privacy Act 2020, Public Records Act 2005, Domestic Violence Act 2018, Health (Retention of Health Information) Regulations 1996, the Tax Administration Act 1994, the Goods and Services Tax Act 1985 and the Electronic Transactions Act 2002.
Dynamix procedures for storing, archiving and disposing of records are as follows:
- all client files are kept securely in the Aimyplus. These files can be accessed onsite upon request
- archiving and disposal of paper copy information is completed by shredding machine, archiving of files are kept in a secure cabinet in the home office
- when appropriate, information is disposed of securely, by way of shredding
- All information and files kept onsite at Starling Sports Club are stored in a safe and secure cupboard
- All HR and staff files are kept in a safe and secure cabinet at the home office
As the client you acknowledge that government agencies can request to have access to your personal information or documentation that Dynamix holds for you.
Dynamix will inform you when access has been given to your personal information.
- Enrolment
Enrolment Confirmation Following an online enrolment or completed enrolment form, you will be advised of acceptance of your child/children’s enrolment. No enrolment is confirmed until payment of two week fee has been received. This will be way of email, text or phone call.
Clients acknowledge and are aware that at random during an onsite Ministry of Development (MSD) audit.
Should your file be selected Dynamix staff will inform you of this.
No cash is kept onsite
Payments are to be made two weeks in advance and via internet banking only.
Oscar Subsidy families will be required to pay a 20% deposit towards the overall booking, before care can commence.
Dynamix has a strict “No Refund” policy which can be found in our Terms & Conditions.
Dynamix requires you to provide a copy of your child’s immunisation certificate before an enrolment can be accepted. You can contact your local GP and request an immunisation certificate if you do not have one.
Privacy Act
Information collected about children is used only for providing care. This information is kept in a secure place and is available for parents/caregivers to check for accuracy upon request. Dynamix requires all parents to regularly update their contact details via our website enrolment/advising us via phone/on site or by emailing your contact details to us. All privacy matters are responded to, and serious privacy breaches are reported to the Privacy Commissioner
Fun Stuff
As an added option we may offer special excursions after hours for the children to take part in. Activities are varied and can consist of Discos, Movie Nights, Trick or Treat Nights, Christmas Lights Tours.
Photographs of children will be taken for marketing purposes as well as to display on our newsletters and Face Book page. All parents provide approval of this when completing the enrolment application form. Non acceptance of this will require written confirmation to management and notes made on the child’s enrolment form.
Surveillance may be conducted in the form of cctv footage. The purpose of the surveillance is to ensure the safety and security of employees, visitors and property.
Unauthorised Pick up
Staff will not release a child to a person who is not identified on the enrolment form. If an unauthorised person comes to collect the child, parents will be contacted for authorisation.
If the unauthorised person refuses to leave the facility then the New Zealand Police will be called and notified of the situation.
Late Pick or No Pick up
Children who are collected after the closing time of 6.00pm will incur a late fee penalty of $20.00 per 10 minutes. Staff will contact parents/caregivers on the enrolment form to arrange collection.
If the parent/caregiver and next of kin can not be contacted and are still not collected by 6.30pm then the child/ren will be taken to Henderson Police and police will be informed that the child has not been collected and no contact can be made to next of kin or parent/caregiver.
Signing In
All Children must be escorted into Dynamix and signed in by an adult. If for any reason you cannot escort your child/rn into the building please ring our staff and a staff member will meet you outside.
Child Signing Out
No child under the age of 10years old will be able to sign themselves out or leave the care of Dynamix for any reason. If you require your child 10years or over to sign themselves out this needs to be requested directly with the Director in writing.
Sick Children
Any child/ren showing signs of illness or being upset during their time at Dynamix will be sent to rest until their parents arrive to collect them. Parents are notified immediately to enable ASAP for collection.
Dynamix does not have or provide resources to care for sick children. Dependant on the illness, we may also request that the child does not attend until medical clearance has been provided.
If your child has been collected from school early (possibly due to an illness), please make sure you contact the director to ensure there is no anxiety caused to staff, trying to locate a child, who is not even present.
Lost or Stolen Items
Dynamix is in no way responsible for any lost, stolen or broken items that clients bring to the programme. Any items of value that your child may have on them must be kept in there bags (at there own risk).
Liability and indemnity
To the extent permissible in law, Dynamix shall not be liable for any injury, loss or damage of any type, or physical injury arising from Dynamix programme.
Nothing in these terms and conditions is intended to have the effect of limiting or reducing the customer’s rights under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 or the Fair Trading Act 1986, to the extent they may apply.
- In the instance of an accident or illness requiring emergency treatment, we will contact you immediately. If you are unavailable, we will contact those listed as emergency contacts. Where we are unable to contact you or the emergency contact a staff member will proceed to assist your child as deemed appropriate.
- If we are required to arrange any urgent medical treatment, you will be required to reimburse any costs incurred.
- All accidents and incidents are recorded and require parent sign off when you collect your child.
- Health and Safety
All staff and director of Dynamix will provide the minimum requirements needed to meet Department of Labour requirements. All requirements are held within the following, http://www.osh.govt.nz/order/catalogue/33.shtml of which is reviewed annually to ensure the safety and requirements are always retained. Dynamix has onsite, the following documents to be completed as required:
- Daily Checklist – Each morning a senior caregiver will walk through the facility and identify any hazards that require attention and or repair. The caregiver will complete and check off all items on the checklist and report any hazards or repairs to the Director immediately. Primarily senior caregiver has this responsibility however another staff member may be required to carry out this procedure.
- Activities Checklist – Any new activity that is introduced to the programme will have a activity checklist form completed to ensure that the activity is safe. When completing this form all hazards must be identified and ways to prevent these hazards from happening documented and filed.
- Excursion Checklist/RAMS Form – Risk assessment form will be completed for every excursion. When planning a excursion all risks, hazards and prevention must be documented on a RAMS form and filed. This is primarily the senior caregivers responsibility to complete , however other staff members may be required to complete these from time to time.
- Incident Form – Incident forms are completed by all staff should an incident occur. When completing the incident form staff must identify the date, time, name of person/s involved, a detailed description of what happened, any first aid provided, who was contacted or informed of the incident. The staff member completing the form must notify senior staff or the director immediately, who will then advise if any further steps are required. Caregivers are also notified of the incident at time of pick up or via telephone depending on the severity of the incident.
- Accident Form – Accident forms are completed by all staff should an accident occur. When completing the incident form staff must identify the date, time, name of person/s involved, a detailed description of what happened, any first aid provided, who was contacted or informed of the incident. The staff member completing the form must notify senior staff or the director immediately, who will then advise if any further steps are required. Caregivers are also notified of the accident at time of pick up or via telephone depending on the severity of the incident.
- Medication Form – Should a parent require staff to administer medication during the programme a medication form must be completed with details of what the medication is (ie Pamol), time medication is to be administered, the amount of medication required and the child’s emergency contacts. Once medication has been administered as per the medication form, the staff member is required to sign the form and confirm the time and amount that was administered. These forms are then filed.
- Hazard Notice – Should a hazard be identified staff must complete a hazard form and notify the director immediately. The hazard will then be isolated so the hazard can be rectified within a timely manner.
- Hazard Identification – Daily health and safety checks are completed in order to identify any hazards within the building. Senior staff will complete the checklist and file these each day. When a hazard is identified it will be isolated to ensure the hazard can not be accessed until repair is completed. The director is notified of the hazard and will arrange repair of the hazard. Should the hazard be a activity children are carrying out, staff will immediately stop the activity and discuss with children why the activity has been stopped and what the hazards are.
Health & Safety meetings are held at least three times per term with all permanent staff in attendance. Discussion will be had regarding any hazards or health and safety concerns staff may have, staff are given the opportunity to give input or recommend any changes they would like to see implemented. Full inductions are given to new staff or when new procedures are introduced. All staff will be given on going training and support.
Holiday Programme Health & Safety
A full staff meeting is held at least 1 week prior to the commencement of holiday programme. Staff will be given a list of all children with allergies and any behaviour management plans for children attending. Staff are given the opportunity to raise any concerns regarding the holiday programme.
Staff are also encouraged to give suggestions for improvement to the holiday programme.
Emergency Procedures
All emergency Exit signage is present as part of the building Warrant of Fitness and is maintained on a regular basis. This includes all evacuation procedures which are displayed by emergency exits as required by the Department of Labour.
Evacuation drills will be completed twice during a school term and once a week during the holiday programme.
- 1 Before school care
- 1 After school care
- 1 Each week of a holiday programme
Once the building is deemed safe to enter senior staff will complete the evacuation register with full details of how many children and staff were present and the time it took to vacate the building, date and what programme was operating.(ie BSC, ASC or Holiday) All staff present must then sign the register to confirm the event.
Fire – Staff’s prime concern is saving of Life and safety
- In the event that a fire is identified and or the Fire Alarm is sounding, all staff and students are to assemble at the Assembly Area (Middle Field at Starling Park or Assembly point in main car park), as directed by all staff.
- On exit the staff will activate the fire alarm (if this has not already been activated) and check the room and toilets to ensure no children or staff are remaining.
- If the fire is small the fire extinguisher will be utilised and if the fire is too large then the fire brigade will be called on (111).
- Children will remain at the assembly area, until directed otherwise by Dynamix staff.
- In the event that this is a drill, the fire brigade will be notified a minimum of 7 days prior. – While children are at the designated area, Dynamix staff will complete a roll call with the attendance sheet which was collected prior to departure to the assembly area. Head counts will also be completed. The whereabouts of missing children will be identified by Dynamix staff conducting a thorough search in toilets/stairwell/Lift/playground etc.
Alarm – In the event that the alarm is sounding, all staff and students are to assemble at the designated assembly areas as directed by all staff.
- On exit the staff will check the room to ensure no children or staff is remaining.
- Children will remain at the assembly area until directed otherwise by Dynamix staff.
- While children are at the designated assembly areas, Dynamix staff will complete a roll call with the attendance sheets which were collected prior to departure to the assembly area. The whereabouts of missing children will be identified by Dynamix staff conducting a thorough search in toilets/stairwell/Lift/playground etc.
All children will be directed to crouch in a safe place (under desks, doorways etc). Keeping clear of dangerous objects, that could harm staff or children (windows or items that could fall from up high, etc)
All children will be directed to shelter using building doorways (and the like). Keeping clear of dangerous objects, that could harm staff or children (powerline, trees, windows etc) At least one staff member who holds a current first aid certificate will be supervising the children at all times.
First Aid
A first aid kit is held on site. At least 1 staff member on site at all times will hold a current and relevant first aid certification to administer first aid as and when required. All first aid kits are replenished on the first and last week of school term by A1 First Aid, located in Waipereira Ave, Henderson.
Sun Burn – UV Rays
Dynamix will provide a generic brand of sun screen. Parents that have children with reactions to sun screen are encouraged to provide appropriate medicated sun screen to enable their child full enjoyment of playing outside with the others. For all staff and children in Terms 1 & 4, it is compulsory to bring along a hat for summer days. No hat, no outside play and or an alternative hat (only if available) may be provided to ensure your child can participate. If it is the holidays and your child attends with no hat to attend an excursion, the days attendance may be refused. Hats & Clothing The Cancer Society of New Zealand (CSNZ) recommends all students and staff wear hats that provide good shade to the face, back of the neck and ears when outdoors. Common sites of skin damage and skin cancer are the neck, ears, temples, lips, face and nose. These areas are constantly exposed to the elements are therefore, generally received more UVR than other parts of the body. Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) from the sun can cause damage to the eyes and the sensitive skin around them. Wearing a broad-brimmed hat can reduce the amount of UVR reaching the eyes by around 50%. Wearing a hat is one of four SunSmart behaviours recommended by the Cancer Society to protect these areas. Between 10am and 4pm from September to April, hats should always be used in combination with other forms of sun protection practices such as:
- Seeking shade where possible
- Timetabling outdoor activities outside the times when ultraviolet radiation (UVR) levels are most intense (between 10am and 4pm during daylight saving months) wherever possible.
- Wearing protective clothing – lightweight shirts with collars and long sleeves, long pants or skirts.
- Applying SPF 50+ broad spectrum sunscreen and regularly reapplying if required (every two hours). For water based activities, sunscreen should be water-resistant.
Sun Block
Children are to supply their own sun block. For those that do not, Dynamix may provide a SPF 50+ where available. Sun block will be applied Morning Tea, Lunch and afternoon tea. Staff are to maintain a register of sun block application for children during terms 1 and 4 school holidays. Pandemic Response
In the event of a pandemic (ie Covid-19) Dynamix will follow the Ministry of Health’s guidelines.
We will implement a contactless sign in and out system, were parents/ guardians can use your own device (phone, tablet) to sign in and out . The entrance door will remain locked throughout operating hours with only staff and children permitted inside. Upon parents’ arrival you will need to scan the barcode on the door, which will then take you through to the sign in or sign out option. You will need to complete these steps and sign your child in/out. Call or Txt the Dynamix phone and a staff member will bring your child down to you or collect them from the door for Before school care. Hand sanitiser will be available throughout the building.
Children will sanitise or wash hands thoroughly before entering Dynamix.
All equipment will be sanitised and frequently throughout the day.
No child or staff member can attend Dynamix while sick.
Covid-19 Vaccination
All staff are required to be fully vaccinated.
Duty of Care
Dynamix care will begin once you have signed in your child and they have entered the building with a staff member.
Staff must sight your phone screen to ensure you have signed your child/ren in.
Dynamix care has ended once you have signed your child/ren out and your child has been brought to you at the door. Staff must sight your phone screen to ensure you have signed your child/ren out.
Medication Administered
Any parent that requests medication be administered, will need to complete the required medication form and advise staff on completion. Staff will then store the medication out of reach of children.
No medication is kept onsite.
When staff are required to administer medication this will be completed according to the details provided via the medication form. The medication form required to be completed by parents/caregivers includes the following information.
- Childs details
- Name of medication
- Time the medication is required
- Amount of medication to be administered
- Parent/Caregivers details
- Parent/Caregivers signature to confirm consent to administer medication
When medication has been administered the staff member will then be required to sign the medication form confirming the time that the medication was administered. When the child is collected from Dynamix staff will return the medication to parents/caregiver.
Children will be able to self-administer medication with written parent consent. Children will be supervised when administering medication.
Dynamix will always have children’s allergy list available for staff to view via Aimyplus.
Risk Management Assessment System
For all activities and excursions an assessment will be completed by way of our Excursions Checklist/RAMS form. These will be filed within the programme folders and be available upon request.
Senior staff or Director will also consult with agencies regarding risk assessment’s and complete a RAMS form based on the requirements for the agency to ensure that the activity can operate safely.(Ie Rock Climbing, Trampolining)
Children with Special Needs and or Disabilities
Parents of children that have special needs and or disabilities will be advised of the programme facilities and daily planners at the time of pre-enrolment. Parents will also be required to detail the disability and or special needs that are required for their child/children to enable planning and preparation for activities. We will adapt activities within our programme to meet the special needs required and advise accordingly if we are neither equipped nor able to meet these needs.
All staff and management at Dynamix want to ensure that all children with special needs and or disabilities are included with all sport and active leisure to provide the children with skills and confidence. Dynamix may suggest a trial period in order to ensure that appropriate care can be provided. This based on each child’s needs.
A written risk assessment (Health & Safety Checklist) to determine the appropriate staff to child ratio will be completed prior to any off-site excursion and prior to any activity involving water. When Dynamix has a planned excursion for children to attend, the following will apply:
- Staff on the excursion will always have a cell phone with them and a list of emergency contacts for all children on the excursion.
- Roll call taken prior to leaving, Head counts completed. First Aid Kit packed and to be taken on excursion.
- Children buddied up and allocated a supervisor for the excursion (1:8 unless the excursion involves water and the ratio will be 1:6).
- Children and staff board the form of transport. Again prior to departure all supervisors will count and check that all their buddies are in attendance. (If not a full search of the facilities will be conducted).
Late arrivals (after specified start time) will not be permitted to attend. Nor can care be provided for the programme on site.
- On arrival all children will have the groups assemble point allocated and notified that in the case of an emergency and or if they become lost, they are to return to this location until their supervisor collects them.
- Each child under 8 years old will be provided with a hi viz vest to make it easier to identify our children.
- Students will commence excursion with their buddies and supervisor/s.
- Caregivers will continuously ensure that all buddies are accounted for throughout the day.
- Children and staff board the form of transport. Again prior to departure all supervisors will count and check that all their buddies are in attendance. (if not a full search of the facilities will be conducted)
- Roll taken prior to leaving.
- Head counts completed.
- Return to Dynamix.
All children are to be signed in and out on a daily basis. All children registered with Dynamix and being collected from school (after school care) will be signed in by Dynamix staff on a daily basis. Parents are required to sign their child out when collecting child/ren from After school care.
Parents of children registered with Dynamix will be required to sign their children in upon arrival for before school care. Dynamix staff will sign out each child before departing for school drop offs in the morning.
Missing Child
If a child does not arrive at the meeting point and are scheduled to attend ,Dynamix staff will take the following steps of action
- Staff member to contact Dynamix office and report child not in attendance, staff member must not leave school until child’s whereabouts is confirmed by Dynamix office.
- Contact the parents to ensure the child attended school today and their known whereabouts.
- If the student is still not located a search of the entire school grounds will be conducted.
- If the child/children are still not located then school and emergency contacts will be notified.
- New Zealand Police will be notified if the whereabouts of the child is still unknown.
Before School Care
If your child does not attend a before school care before our departing time of 8am you are charged the standard daily charge.
Holiday Programme
If your child does not attend a booked holiday programme standard daily charges apply.
Car Park
All children from Dynamix are not to be left unattended in the car park prior to drop off or collection. Dynamix staff will not permit any children to play in, on or around the car park under any circumstances.
Child Protection
As an out of school childcare and recreation facility, we adhere to and promote Children, Young Persons and their Families ACT 1989, Public Act. We refer to the Act on a regular basis and report anything untoward that may lead staff at Dynamix to suspect otherwise. http://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1989/0024/latest/DLM149438.html
All staff at Dynamix are provided introductory Child Protection Training as well as on going through to Diploma in Child Protection Studies. Dynamix adheres to the following acts in relation to the Child
Protection Policy: – Health and Disability Commissioner Act 1994 – Child Young Persons and Their Families Act 1989 – Privacy Act 2020
- Human Rights Act 1993
- Education Act 1989/1998
- Domestic Violence Act 2018
- Care of Children Act 2004
- Employment Relations Act 2000
- Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights
The policy includes all of the following but is not limited to: management, staff, children, contractors, associated community members, visitors, personnel providing services to family and children while on Dynamix premises. Dynamix will ensure any disclosures about alleged abuse are acknowledged investigated and appropriate action taken to ensure the safety of children who make disclosures.
Definition of “Abuse” Child abuse means the harming (whether physically, emotionally or sexually), ill-treatment, abuse, neglect or deprivation of any child or young person” [Section2, Children and Young Persons Amendment Act, 1994]. Staff will be supported, supervised and not overloaded as to not identify a child’s needs.
Responding to suspicion or disclosure from a child (in order from top to bottom);
- There is a suspicion and or a child discloses abuse is suspected
- If in immediate danger – act in URGENCY
- Assure the person disclosing the information they did the right thing and listen to them.
-Inform Programme management.
- Document all observation as well as information disclosed on the suspected child abuse reporting form. This will be added to our Oranga Tamariki register.
- Ring, OT or the Police and advise of the suspected abuse, email the completed form to OT(Child Abuse Team)
- Once we have notified OT or Police the acknowledgement/confirmation will be added to the original report and filed.
- Await further contact from Oranga Tamariki or the Police before taking action.
- Get support for yourself from appropriate people.
Allegation against a staff member
Any allegation against a staff member is to be reported immediately. Children under the care of Dynamix will not be exposed to any unnecessary risk (in order from top to bottom) The overall responsibility for investigating an allegation against a staff member is the director and a full investigation will be completed in a timely manner within 14 working days.;
- There is a suspicion and or a child discloses abuse is suspected
- If in immediate danger – act in URGENCY
- Assure the person disclosing the information they did the right thing and listen to them.
- Inform programme management
- Document all observations as well as information disclosed.
- Ring, Child Youth and Family Services or the Police (Child Abuse Team)
- Management will suspend staff member while investigation takes place.
- As part of the investigation the staff member will be required to respond to the allegation.
- Findings of the investigation will be disclosed to all parties accordingly – Dependant on findings the staff member may have their employment with Dynamix terminated (subject to the employment agreement)
- Programme management to liaise closely with Oranga Tamariki & Police Reporting Abuse Any stakeholder of Dynamix that needs to report suspected Child Abuse is to complete the Suspected Child Abuse Reporting Form with a staff member of Dynamix. The information reported is to be factual. This is then communicated to Oranga Tamariki Services on 0508 326 459 or the police or both once the management team has been notified.
Peer Abuse
Dynamix does not and will not tolerate “Peer Abuse” in the form of physical, sexual or verbal harassment, we hold a ZERO TOLERANCE. This includes but is not limited to when others are put at risk. If this is identified to staff at Dynamix, children will be separated (to reduce trauma). Dependant on the level of Peer Abuse, immediate dismissal may take place.
Parents will be notified immediately. Abusing children that are enrolled with Dynamix Programmes will be communicated with all staff about the risks involved. Family support and assistance will be required.
Behaviour Guidance and Control
Every child will be given “guidance and control”. The dictionary definition of ‘guidance’ is to show the way and implies a goal to be reached. Control may be used in specific and urgent situations, e.g. to stop a young child running onto the road or to prevent a child hurting her or himself or another child. Dynamix will guide and support children through the learning process and ensure their safety and well-being, not to achieve conformity at the expense of understanding.
Behaviour Respect and Dignity Dynamix is aware of the inherent influence of cultural and family practices for child behaviour. The way in which adults behave towards children is influenced by behaviour patterns experienced in childhood. If these are deemed inappropriate, e.g. do not give the child respect and dignity, strategies will be implemented to modify or change the behaviour.
Behaviour Praise and Encouragement
Praise relates to something that has been done, or has already happened, i.e. finished work or a completed action. Encouragement, on the other hand is related to something that could or should happen in the future. It may be given where a child is reluctant to begin an activity or carry out an action, or to help a child persist in an endeavour. Dynamix will link these concepts with ‘positive guidance to promote appropriate behaviour’. Both praise and encouragement is used for the purpose of promoting behaviour in the child which is recognised as appropriate for the child’s stage of development. Some of these are listed below
- Reward Chart
- Certificates
- Ability to choose a special activity
Behaviour Management Plan
Dynamix take child protection very seriously and have policies and procedures in place to ensure the overall wellbeing and safety of each child. Dynamix senior staff will work along side whanau, parents and caregivers regarding behaviour guidance to address any behaviour concerns before they escalate.
Should a parent/Caregiver have any concerns regarding their child’s behaviour. Dynamix senior staff will meet with the parent/caregiver and discuss there concerns and put in place a behaviour management plan for the child. These behaviour management plans could include :
- Reward Charts
- Take a break card
- Feelings Journal
- children/young persons’ assessments to determine the need for behaviour support and management interventions
- a behaviour support plan
- interventions that can or cannot be used. Behaviour guidance – the dictionary definition of “guidance “is ‘to show the way’ and implies a goal to be reached. Control may be used in specific urgent situations like to stop a child from running onto the road or from hurting themselves or another child.
Should Dynamix staff raise concerns with senior staff of director, an assessment will be done regarding the child’s behaviour looking at previous incident reports, what triggers the behaviour, and discussing with other staff in regards to behaviour. Senior staff will contact parents/caregiver to discuss concerns further and meet to complete a positive behaviour management plan. This plan will be documented and filed in a secure location and be available to view upon request.
Guidance in the OSCAR Standards (Te Kāhui Kahu) is as follows: “It is recommended that having two staff present when children are on-site is good practice and minimises potential risk. It reduces the opportunity for potential or actual harm to a child or accusations being made about staff.” This is not a mandatory requirement. Current RAMS forms are available to view upon request.
Manager/Supervisor/Caregiver is responsible for children’s attendance within their designated area. The supervisor will also ensure that attendance checks are made sporadically throughout the timeframe allocated.
Dynamix premises 1:10
Dynamix excursion 1:8
Dynamix water excursion 1:6
Staff will inform the onsite manager of any injuries, incidents and or dangerous behaviour. If a Dynamix staff member can see that an activity, game or the like is going to possible cause harm, this activity, game or the like will be stopped and not permitted to continue until the supervisor has been advised.
All staff at Dynamix are trained to acknowledge emergency situation and react appropriately. Staff will remain calm and remove all children from activities, crafts, arts & games and direct them to the assembly area (as designated by the staff). Once all students are present and accounted for and only then, will 1 staff member from Dynamix make contact with emergency services or rectify the situation while children are out of harm’s way.
- Staff are not permitted to leave their designated area without notifying other staff from Dynamix to take over supervision until they return.
- If staff is unable to maintain clear guidance, direction and supervision of all allocated children within a group activity, then the staff member is not to participate in the activity.
- All staff are to be positioned so that all designated children are within close and clear view at all times.
- Staff should complete regular head counts on the children that they have within their designated area.
- Staff are to be constantly watching the children within their designated areas at all times.
- Staff “Caregivers” from Dynamix are responsible for the safety and wellbeing of children within Dynamix childcare.
Discipline towards children will be in a verbal manner only. Staff at Dynamix will never utilise physical contact to discipline a child. In the result of physical abuse on any child enrolled at Dynamix, this will be treated as serious misconduct and instant dismissal will occur.
Daily Programme
Before School Care
All enrolled children who attend daily after 6.45am will be offered breakfast ( some hot breakfast and cereal , at no extra charge).
6.45am Breakfast and quiet time
7.15am Homework or Free time in designated areas (with supervision)
7.30am Morning activities
7.55am Prepare to go to school
8.00am Drivers and children depart to be dropped off at school
Dynamix duty of care will cease once the child has entered the school grounds safely, no child will be left at school before 8am. Drop off locations will differ depending on the school however all children will be either sighted or walked into the school grounds.
After School Care
All enrolled children who attend daily from 2.30pm, during this time children are collected from school, driven to Dynamix, attendance checked. Homework is done and an afternoon snack is provided (this is not a substantial meal and cannot be substituted for dinner).
2.30pm Collected from School
3.30pm Homework and afternoon snack
3.45pm Programmed activities
4.30pm Free time in designated areas (with supervision)
5.30pm Pack up
6.00pm Closed School
Before School timetable remains the same Holiday Planner
After School timetable remains the same
Dynamix staff would like to ensure that all children participate in both literacy, numeracy and active movement. These have been identified as high levels of need within our children throughout New Zealand. Therefore Dynamix take the opportunity to provide this support by way of morning and afternoon activities.
All children attending afterschool care are required to complete homework tasks between 3.30pm – 5pm. Dynamix staff will assist as required but will not complete homework for children.
Children attending Dynamix will often be rewarded with certificates and or treats (such as sweets etc). Rewards will be provided to children on a weekly basis, for various reasons, player of the day, great sportsmanship, and respect for others, team work and the like.
Children are encouraged to finish their lunch boxes first before being offered an afternoon snack. Supervisors who hold a Food Hygiene certificate will prepare and/or supervise alternative Dynamix staff in the preparation of food as required. We are a NUT FREE location.
Electronic Devices
Children of whom have electronic devices are not to be utilised whilst at Dynamix. Equipment is to be handed into staff at Dynamix on arrival and collected on departure. Children with this equipment will have it confiscated and returned to parents upon collection. If equipment is required for homework and a wifi password is required this will only be provided once we have confirmation from the parents. In this case the Youth Programme Electronic Device Policy will apply.
We do NOT permit the transportation of scooters/wheels for Before or After School Care. We welcome scooters/wheels to remain on site in our sick bay. Our 7-9 seater vehicles have minimal (if any) room in the rear and to be in between children’s seats is a hazard, especially if the driver has to stop in a hurry. We cannot guarantee that children will always be in the same vehicle for pick up and drop off so to be fair to all – NO SCOOTERS/WHEELS in our vehicles. The logistics as well as safety of our children is paramount.
At Dynamix we do not promote the use of televisions. You will notice that we have one television in our youth programme room. This is for xbox, playstation and Wii. This is only used in the holiday programme on rare occasions.
Active movement is key for our children. We encourage, dancing, singing and having fun. Each programme room has a music centre, music is played from a USB and is screened for language and age appropriateness. All vehicles are tuned to the local FM radio stations.
Children attending Dynamix will not be permitted to bring pets of any size shape or form unless required for a disability and have adequate documentation to support this. Animals encountered at the programme and on excursions are contained and responded to in a manner that ensures the children’s safety.
Members of Public
From time to time there are incidents with the public that staff at Dynamix are not comfortable with. Dynamix will always make sure that staff put the safety and wellbeing of the children first, remove the child from the situation. Handle it themselves and advise the parent upon collection
Programme Quality and Improvement
Dynamix is continuously looking for ways to improve and introduce new and educational activities to our clients and in order to do this we seek input and suggestions from our shareholders, clients and staff.
Dynamix holds regular staff meetings to discuss and Health and Safety concerns or implement new policies and procedures, activities and ideas, during these meetings management encourages all staff to provide feedback and input into the programme. All meetings are documented by way of meeting minutes and filed.
Other ways that Dynamix seek feedback are:
- Aimyplus Surveys that are emailed to parents/caregivers
- Children are given the opportunity to express what they would like to do, either in writing or during afternoon tea time
- Facebook Polls
Transportation of Children
All Dynamix Vehicles will have a well stocked first aid kit (located in the glove box), staff are responsible to advise the director when the kit need replenishing. If a staff member is administering first aid then a accident incident report must be completed.
Dynamix staff/driver will be trained in first aid or working towards becoming trained.
Dynamix staff will always have a mobile phone fully charged and with credit on them at all times for emergency’s and communication with the office.
Log Books
Each vehicle has a log book located in either the sun visor or dash board. The driver must complete the log book every time they are using the vehicle. Staff must hand the completed log book to the director once the log book is complete and a new one will be issued.
Before School Care
A roll call is done prior to departure, children that require transport to school will be assigned a driver to transport them to school. Children aged 5-7 must use a booster seat at all times when traveling in a mini-van, children aged 8-14 no booster seat is required unless parents have specified.
After School Care
All children that are scheduled to be in attendance for after school care will be checked off the roll prior to the departure from their designated school. If a child has not reached the collection point, a full search of the school facilities will be conducted, if the child cannot be found, Dynamix staff will contact the school administration office regarding the child/children’s attendance for that particular day. Dynamix staff will contact the Dynamix office to confirm the child is not in attendance and will wait for permission from the Dynamix office to leave the school. In the instance where a parent cannot be contacted the next of kin will be contacted. When no contacts are available, the police will be notified of the missing person.
After School Walkers/Waiters We have a selection of schools for after school that require a walker/waiter. Walker – Staff gather the children like normal, walk back to Dynamix using the safest route. This is common for schools that are in close proximity to Dynamix
– Staff gather all children like normal, complete homework, then have supervised play until the Dynamix vehicle arrives to collect them.
Transportation Routes
Staff are issued with schools to collect/drop to and from. These are allocated in order of location, age group of children and the time that the school finishes. Staff are to ensure that they collect/drop children in the specific order that they are issued to prevent children being late for school and or to ensure that children are not left waiting for more than 20 minutes for collection.
Smoke Free
Staff and children endorse a smoke free policy and do not permit smoking in and on the premises of Dynamix Out of School Care,. Dynamix staff are also not permitted to smoke while in Dynamix uniform, regardless of location or in sight of children.
Duty of Care
This is an obligation for all staff within Dynamix and continues until the parent/caregiver collects the child.
Before School Care
Dynamix duty of care will cease once the child has entered the school grounds safely, no child will be left at school before 8am. Drop off locations will differ depending on the school however all children will be either sighted or walked into the school grounds.
Auckland Transport & Police Fines
Vehicles that are in receipt of an infringement notice will require the driver at the time (refer to log book) to transfer the fine to their own personal name and then make arrangements to pay the fine.
Forms of Transportation
Company Vehicle Staff will “pick up” or “drop off” children to and from school in the company vehicles. This is registered and warranted and the driver will hold a drivers license. which permits them to travel with passengers, within the timeframe required.
Staff with full drivers licenses are allocated company vehicles as and when the company requires. Staff are to complete the Log Book (Drivers door or centre console). This indicates the date, time and name of driver in addition to return time. This information must be completed upon entry and exit of the vehicle. Any insurance and infringement queries will be referred to the logbook; therefore it is of the utmost importance you complete to ensure you are not left with a debt from another driver.
Staff will be liable for any infringement notices in addition to excesses for which insurance claims are required (Excesses range up to $1500.00, but not limited to). All infringement and excesses will be deducted from staff wages in full, until repaid. Staff is to ensure that the vehicles are warranted and registered at all times in addition to ensuring that all fluid levels are checked when refueling.
Children are not to eat, drink modify or alter any settings with heater/air conditioning units, nor adjust the windows. All alterations are to be prepared and locked prior to children entering the vehicle. Dynamix Staff are also to ensure that they open and close all vehicle doors for children upon entry and exit of the vehicles.
Company Bus/Coach
Staff will ‘pick up’ or ‘drop off’ children to and from school in the company bus/coach. These vehicles comply with our Transport Service Licence as required by NZTA. Staff driving these vehicles will hold a P endorsement as well as Class 2 drivers licence if required.
Staff Vehicle
Parents/caregivers acknowledge that on occasion staff will be required to ‘pick up’ or ‘drop off’ children to and from school. Staff that transport children will hold a full drivers licence and may use their own personal vehicle of which holds a current Warrant of Fitness and Registration and would have been previously inspected by the On Site Manager.
Vehicle Cleaning: Staff with allocated vehicles are to ensure that vehicles are kept clean and presentable at all times. This includes inside and out. Vehicles are to be vacuumed and washed on a weekly basis.
Vehicle Maintenance
Spot checks will be completed on all vehicles. Staff are to check the oil and water at least once a fortnight.
Organisational Structure Directors of Dynamix childcare, review the organisational structure on an ongoing basis.
Staff Management
All other expenditure must be authorised by the Shareholder/s and or Director.
Definition of Staff
Anyone that Dynamix relies on, to deliver its services and are paid. Volunteers are considered staff however they are unpaid.
Staff, Volunteers & Training
Managers have the primary responsibility to promote equal employment opportunities for all employees and to eliminate policies and practices that work against equity in the workplace.
Dynamix policies and systems enable employees to reach their full potential in the organisation with:
-Training and development
-Study assistance
-Career development
-Performance management
Skills and abilities are measured equitably and balanced with experience. Dynamix employees are rewarded fairly according to their contribution.
Dynamix recognises its employees are a most valued resource and provides a safe supportive and responsive environment. All employees are treated (and encouraged to treat one another) with respect dignity, so that the workplace is safe and harmonious.
Individual and cultural differences are catered for and valued so as to maximise the contribution of each employee.
All Dynamix employees are aware of the opportunities for redress against discrimination and harassment. Examples of discrimination include bullying or derogatory language on any or the prohibited grounds in the Human Rights Act 1993 (sex, marital status, religious belief, colour, race, ethnic or national origin, disability, age, political opinion, employment status, family status, sexual orientation).
Dynamix has policies and systems to recruit the most competent people. All judgements are based on merit rather than on stereotypes or discriminatory values. Vacancies, secondments and other opportunities will generally be advertised widely. Position descriptions focus on the skills and competencies required in the position. Fair review processes are available. Dynamix staff reflect the diversity of the community and our customers.
Staff files will be kept filed in a secure location at the home office, these staff files will include:
- a current employment agreement, volunteer agreement, governance role description, contract for service, or fixed term agreement that complies with legislative requirements and is signed by the staff member and on behalf of the organisation
- a written job description or details of the volunteer role support documents such as a code of conduct.
Applying for a Position
Potential staff of Dynamix will be required to complete the employment application and provide to the director along with a relevant curriculum vitae, two types of photo id.
- No staff member or applicant under the age of 16 years old will be included in ratio Onsite site manager/senior staff will be over 20 years old
Potential staff that have submitted an employment application and current curriculum vitae, that meets the minimum qualifications for the position applied for, will be contacted by the director for an interview. The interview will consist of situational behaviour-based questions of which will be tailored to suit the individual applying for the position. This interview will be conducted by 2 individuals, Director and Senior Staff.
A candidate that has been shortlisted for will attend an afternoon during After school care and will have time to interact with children (with supervision) to get a feel for the programme. The director or senior staff will be making observations in regards to how the candidate “fits” into the programme and how well the children take to the candidate.
The director will make contact with 2 of each candidate’s referees, utilising the Verbal Reference. Upon completion the director will then be able to make an informed decision as to a position decision.
Police Vetting
Because the safety of children is paramount all staff in the final process of acceptance for a position with Dynamix will be required to complete a Police Vetting Check. Should the Police vet come back with a “Result” it is at the director’s desecration to make an informed decision regarding employment. A risk assessment form is completed and filed with HR documents for all employees.
Where the vetting process raises serious concerns, eg a Police vet returns a criminal history, decisions will be made at an appropriate level of management or governance in consideration of the following evidence:
- results of all safety checking and vetting
- factors associated with the offending, eg the length of time since the convictions, the age at offending, the circumstances at the time, aggravating factors, rehabilitative behaviour, work history, character references, support structures, position responsibilities and attitude towards offending
- how the welfare and best interests of children /young people are paramount in relation to the appointment
- suitability of the person for the appointment
- a risk assessment of the appointment in relation to the criminal convictions
- management plans, including any restrictions, controls, increased supervision or vetting strategies proposed for the appointment.
All decisions relating to the appointment, including the implementation of a staff management plan, will be documented. This will include evidence of the staff or governance member’s agreement to any restrictions, controls, increased supervision or vetting strategies proposed for the appointment.
Position Decision
The director will make contact with all unsuccessful applicants and provide feedback in relation to the interview/s and also ways to improve for future interviews.
The director will also make contact with the successful applicant/s and notify of acceptance for the position.
Employment Agreement & Job Description
An employment agreement will be created from the Department of Labour Website and employsure. This ensures that all details pertaining to an employment agreement are up to date and accurate.
On the commencement of employment with Dynamix you will be provided a thorough induction. This will include the director and new employee completing all relevant information required (Kiwi saver, IRD, Employee Information, return of signed Employment Agreement and Job Description). Upon completion of all this paperwork the director and new employee will go through the policies and procedures of Dynamix from start to finish. This will also include a induction of the premises and emergency exits and assembly areas.
A onsite induction form is initialled and signed by the new employee and the staff member completing the induction.
All staff that are required to be a “waiter” at schools, will be required to complete an induction form with a senior staff member. Items that will be covered will be the procedure when a child does not arrive at the pick up location, office contact number, pick up list and emergency contacts. New staff will be buddied up with an experienced staff member for at least one week or until they are confident with the procedures.
All staff that are required to transport children to and from school, will be required to complete an induction form with a senior staff member. Items that will be covered will be in detail regarding the procedures when a child does not arrive at the pick up location, office contact number, pick up list and emergency contacts, procedure when in a accident, seating of children and vehicle and driver daily checks. New staff will be buddied up with an experienced staff member for at least one week or until they are confident with the procedures.
Upon commencement of a new employee with be provided 3 months to acquaint themselves with policies and procedures of OKK. After 3 months a performance appraisal will be conducted. At this time the performance evaluation will indicate career aspirations, goals and objectives, what the employee does well and needs improvements on. All of which are set and signed of both parties and reviewed thereafter on a annual basis. OKK strives to provide staff with regular feedback to ensure consistency and also to ensure that they are provided with direction.
Volunteers are unpaid. Any volunteers wanting to apply for work within Dynamix will be required to complete Application for Employment, be considered for an interview, referees contacted. On acceptance a Job Description will be required to be completed along with the induction policy and procedure.
Certification Required
All staff of Dynamix will either hold or be working their way towards holding their First Aid Certificate. Dynamix senior staff (supervisor or senior assistant) will either be working their way towards their OSCAR Certificate or have completed.
Dynamix value our staff and knowledge that they can provide to our children. Therefore we enrol staff on the required courses to ensure that they meet the minimum requirements for the position that they hold. Staff will be provided a minimum of 2 weeks notice to attend a course and will be required to make arrangements so that they can attend and gain the required knowledge and certification.
Dynamix staff of all levels will undergo training in Childcare protection studies. This ranges from introductory through to Diploma, dependant on position with Dynamix.
Stakeholders that wish to express compliments regarding Dynamix are to make contact with the On Site senior staff in the first instance. Our senior staff member onsite is Easta. Alternatively the compliment or complaint can be produced in writing and either emailed or posted to the following addresses: Director Amber Nelesini 021 049 6681 or contact@dynamixoutofschoolcare.co.nz
All complaints are taken seriously and you have the right to have a support person/advocate.
Internal Stakeholders that wish to express complaints regarding Dynamix are to make contact with the following,(in this order)
Name | Position | Organisation | Phone | |
Onsite | Senior
Staff Easta & Xian |
Dynamix | 022 402
5422 |
contact@dynamixoutofschoolcare.co.nz |
Nelesini |
Director | Dynamix | 022 402
5422 |
amber@dynamixoutofschoolcare.co.nz |
John | Manager | Out of School Care Network | 09 366
0320 |
oscn@xtra.co.nz |
Services Accreditation |
Ministry of
Social Development |
nz |
Once a complaint is received, the complainant will receive and acknowledgement of the complaint and may be requested to supply further information. A full investigation will be completed within 14 working days of the complaint being received.
A full investigation is conducted by speaking with all parties involved (including any witnesses), statements will be taken and all parties recount of the incident/complaint will be taken into consideration.
All complaints are documented and filed in a safe and secure home office.
If you are not satisfied with the investigation completed by the Director of Dynamix you can escalate your complaint to the Ministry of Social Development (MSD).
Internal Input
Shareholders and staff of Dynamix Will be encouraged to provide internal input on an annual basis, to assist with the growth, development and revision of all plans of the organisation.
All forms of media are to be approved via the On Site Manager prior to use. This includes magazines, newspapers, comics, books and all electronic devices such as radio, computer, laptop, handheld PDA’s, mobile phones, iPods, notebooks, mp3, cd, camera’s, gaming etc
The Copy Right Act 1992 protects all intellectual property of Dynamix. This includes but is not limited to, audio, visual and written. Parents and staff of Dynamix will be required to retrieve written permission from management within Dynamix to utilise Dynamix intellectual property. This includes but is not limited to tag/upload photos to social networking sites. For further information surrounding copyright laws, please refer to: http://www.copyright.org.nz/index.php
Building and Facilities
Environment and Facilities Children at Dynamix will have available facilities that are clean and that are replenished on a daily basis. Children will be permitted to
- Play in the designated areas under supervision of Dynamix staff
- Utilise the bathroom facilities as directed by staff
- Drink from the designated facilities as directed by staff
- Eat in the designated area as directed by Dynamix staff
- Leave their belongings in the designated area as directed by Dynamix staff.
Bathroom Facilities
Children enrolled will be provided with an introductory tour. Children are also advised that they may go to the bathroom at any time while on site, but they MUST advise a staff member within their room before leaving. Children under 8 years old will be escorted in groups to attend the bathroom, while a staff member waits outside for safety. These facilities are safe, clean and maintained on a daily basis and frequently monitored by staff for all excursions, children will be escorted to the bathroom facilities in groups as required and a supervisor will remain outside the facilities until the child/children have finished.
Building Cleaning Dynamix staff will sweep, vacuum and dispose of any waste during the business day as required, cleaning equipment is accessible for the duration of the programme. Dynamix premises are cleaned each evening by commercial cleaners. Daily waste will be removed and disposed of in the waste removal skip bin located downstairs next to the skate park.
Building Warrant of Fitness
The building warrant of fitness is maintained by GNZ International Trust. A copy of the warrant of fitness is available on request as well as is displayed within all buildings. Fire Hoses & Extinguishers As part of the building warrant of fitness fire hoses and extinguishers are inspected biannually and annually.
– Complete the monthly fire register Emergency Drills Emergency drills will take place once a term for before and after school care and for school holiday programmes.
A record of the drills will be maintained and made available upon request.
All visitors to Dynamix are to sign the visitors’ book on arrival and departure. This does not include the drop off and collection of children from the facility. In addition to the general safety policies outlined, Dynamix will ensure that volunteers and other adults visiting or working at the programme are well supervised and visible to staff when interacting with children.
Serious Work Place Incidents
Dynamix will regularly inform, and upon request, the purchasing agency/ ies on health and safety matters, especially if there is a health and safety incident relevant to workers engaged to perform a service.
Dynamix will understand and fulfil its statutory and/or regulatory obligations in relation to essential notification reporting. This may include, but is not limited to, notifying:
- WorkSafe New Zealand, as well as government agencies, of any notifiable injury, illness or incident (as defined in the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015). Notification to WorkSafe New Zealand must be made in accordance with the provisions of the Health and Safety at
Work Act 2015. This will be done via the WorkSafe website: www.worksafe.govt.nz
- any purchasing agency of an incident, hazard or risk concerning health and safety. Written notification must be made to the purchasing agency/ies within reasonable time of this incident, hazard or risk occurring or being recognised.
- New Zealand Police of any criminal event.
Should a work place incident occur, the employee involved and any person/s present at the time of the incident must complete a detailed Accident/Incident form and hand this to the Dirctor who will then report the incident along with the incident reports to WorkSafe Nz. Acknowledgement from WorkSafe will be documented and filed with the original incident reports.
Adverse Events
Dynamix management and shareholders will regularly meet and re access our business continuity plans should we face an adverse event, the following plans have been put in place.
- Ensuring Dynamix insurance is always current and up to date
- Second location to operate from
- Hygiene will be to a high standard with hand sanitiser throughout the programme, children will wash hands frequently. Staff will use anti-bacterial wipes or spray to clean all Dynamix equipment every day
- Regular evacuation drills that will be documented in detail by a senior staff member. These will be kept onsite and available upon request
- Financial guidance from our accounted Pavel Prokofyev from Elena’s Accountants.
Further more Dynamix senior staff or Director will ensure that appropriate documentation relating to events that have occurred and that records of actions taken to prevent issues from recurring.
Adverse events will be addressed openly through a transparent disclosure policy. Without impeding statutory investigations, the organisation will undertake an internal investigation to identify opportunities to improve service delivery and to identify and manage risk.
No longer able to operate from venue
Dynamix have two options for venues should we no longer be able to operate from Starling Sports Club. These options are, Massey Scouts Den and Tui Glen Community Centre.
The Director are responsible for the approval of all educational and facility budget decisions, including setting all financial policies and regulatory matters, financial strategy and planning, financial position and performance. All expenditure is planned, approved, processed, monitored and reviewed.
Dynamix will manage its financial resources prudently and effectively, utilising the accounting programme Xero. Pavel Prokofyev, Elena’s Accountants conduct ongoing advise and annual End of year in addition to annual audits as required.
Staff Code of Conduct
Dynamix recognizes employees as its most valued resource and provides a safe, supportive and responsive environment. All employees are treated (and encouraged to treat one another) with respect and dignity. So that the workplace is safe and harmonious.
All staff at Dynamix are required to act in a professional manner throughout their shift. This includes with children, staff, guests and management within Dynamix Childcare.
Dynamix expects all employees to comply with management and to conform to Dynamix rules at all times. If these rules are disregarded or the employee behaves wrongly in some other way Dynamix retains the right to discipline employees. All Dynamix staff are provided with an Employee Handbook when their employment commences. Privacy Act 2020 All information collected about staff is kept in a secure place and is available for staff and management only to review as requested.
Keys are issued by the Director. Communication is key! To ensure consistency with information provided, notices are placed on our staff Facebook page for all staff to review.
Acknowledgement From I ______________________ (please print name) acknowledge that I received a copy of this from Dynamix Out of School Care Policy and Procedures manual and that I have read and understood it.